【外评】关于是谁写了 Windows 的死机蓝屏的澄清

不知何故,有人声称微软的 “蓝屏死机 “存在 30 年之谜。这种说法认为,作者有三个相互矛盾的来源:史蒂夫-鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)、约翰-维尔特(John Vert)和我: 史蒂夫-鲍尔默、约翰-沃尔特和我。


首先是 Windows 3.1 的 “Ctrl+Alt+Del “屏幕,这个蓝屏代表的是不快乐,而不是死亡:

Contoso Deluxe Music Composer

  This Windows application has stopped responding to the system.

*  Press ESC to cancel and return to Windows.
*  Press ENTER to close this application that is not responding.
You will lose any unsaved information in this application.
*  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
lose any unsaved information in all applications.


Windows 3.1 没有蓝屏死机。如果 Windows 崩溃,就会出现不合时宜的黑屏死机

Could not continue running Windows because of paging error.


接下来是 Windows 95 内核错误,你可以将其视为 “蓝屏死机”,尽管 Windows 95 允许你忽略该错误,所以它并不是真正的死机。(不过,也不能保证忽略该错误就能恢复可用系统)。

An exception 0D has occurred at 0028:80014812 in VxD CONTOSO(03) + 00000152. This was called from 0028:80014C34 in VxD CONTOSO(03) + 00000574. It may be possible to continue normally.
* Press any key to attempt to continue.
* Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart your computer. You will
  lose any unsaved information in all applications.

是我将这一版本的 Windows 95 内核错误蓝屏信息最终定型的。(有些人把它的早期版本误认为是 Windows NT 蓝屏)。

第三个死亡蓝屏是 Windows NT 内核错误,它的作者是 John Vert

*** STOP: 0x00000019 (0x00000000,0xC00E0FF00xFFFFEFD4,0xC0000000)
BAD_POOL_HEADEReax=ffdff13c ebx=80089a10 ecx=08000800 edx=ff69bf60 esi=80088010 edi=8008b0f0
eip=801b9da5 esp=ff69bb8c ebp=e10076c8  p4=0002       nv up ei ng nz na po nc
cr0=80050039 cr2=e1053002 cr3=00030000 cr4=00000000 irql:0      efl=ff69bb84
gdtr=80036000   gdtl=03ff idtr=80036400   idtl=07ff tr=0028  ldtr=0000Dll Base DateStmp – Name               Dll Base DateStmp – Name
80100000 2c921d20 – ntoskrnl.exe       80400000 2c7d4b45 – hal.dll
80010000 2c360942 – Atdisk.sys         80001000 2c87e0ab – Ftdisk.sys
801e6000 2c42f49a – Fastfat.sysAddress dword dump   Build [v1.528]                            – Name
ff69bbb8 80121efa 80121efa ff7b6c50 00000018 00000000 ff69bba8 – ntoskrnl.exe
ff69bc04 80115b00 80115b00 00000100 ff7b19b0 ff7a86a8 ff7a8730 – ntoskrnl.exe
ff69bc28 80115f67 80115f67 ff7b2600 00000246 80112beb 80190001 – ntoskrnl.exe
ff69bc34 80112beb 80112beb 80190001 00000246 80112beb 80190001 – ntoskrnl.exe
ff69bc38 80190001 80190001 00000246 80112beb 80190001 00000000 – ntoskrnl.exe
ff69bc40 80112beb 80112beb 80190001 00000000 e1007560 e0075688 – ntoskrnl.exe

Restart your computer. If this message reappears, do not restart.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group, and/or
peripheral device vendor.

这是真正的 “蓝屏死机”: 此时系统已无法恢复。


OS Author Release year
Windows 3.1 Steve Ballmer (text) 1992
Windows 95 ends with me¹ 1995
Windows NT John Vert 1993

¹ Windows 95 蓝屏信息的早期版本不是我写的,但却是我把它变成了最终版本。

本文文字及图片出自 There is no mystery over who wrote the Blue Screen of Death, despite what some may want you to believe



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