






基本上它的定义语法都是 (variable_name: Type) 这样的!


Yep, no getting around it.


1. 问号 (?)

你会在一些函数调用的后面看到一个?: my_function()?;.

这个问号并不是表示可有可无。 它是针对会出现错误的函数的异常捕捉处理。后面我会细聊。


2. 函数中的叹号 (!)

例子: println!("{:?}", my_variable);


3. 符号&

例子: &your_variable



  1. 每行代码的结尾的分号 (;) 是必须的
  2. 例外:函数里最后一行代码的分号 (;) 可省略。这种情况下, 这是返回此行代码运行结果的简写。
  3. Rust函数的语法更JavaScript稍微有些不同。总体来说问题不大。
fn foo(num: i32) -> i32 {
  3 // See no.2
  // or
  // return 3;
  1. Decorator syntax also different. It’s also called Attributes.



是一种 JSON 对象。 (好吧,可能会复杂一些,请看文档吧)

type Person = {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,






跟Typescript里的枚举enums一个路数。你可以在里面存储一些数据。在学习 async 的时候它是一个非常重要的概念。


JavaScript里不难理解。 更像是C语言里的 printf

println!("{:?}", my_variable);


Use Cargo.toml instead of package.json. You’ll want to add them manually (instead of using a command like yarn add)



chrono = "0.4"
egg-mode = "0.16.0"


Rust has modules. It’s quite different from JS but basically:

They’re sort of like namespaces. Here’s a breakdown on importing a dependency

use rocket::serde::{json::Json, Deserialize, Serialize};

use – use this instead of import

rocket – this is the package name

:: – accessing a module

serde – the module name

{json::Json, Deserialize, Serialize} – things to actually import

Some more syntax:

use chrono::prelude::*;

use rusqlite::Result;

Importing from local files

Best explanation:

Use mod to the path/file you want to import to make the compiler include the module.

Then use to import it. Note: mod automatically imports it too. In this case, you will need prefix it with crate.


use crate::your_file_or_module;

Note: is a special filename which acts like index.js

See the link above for examples.

Const vs let

In JavaScript you’d use const most of the time because it’s immutable.

In Rust, you’ll want to use let instead. This is immutable by default. If you want it to be mutable, use mut keyword. const are reserved for actual constants (so you can’t calculate the value from another variable)

let immutable_variable = ...;
let mut mutable_variable = ...;

Library Documentation

If the Github repo doesn’t link to the documentation page, you can probably get to it like this:


By far, the 2 most confusing topic are futures and ownership. I would recommend reading a more comprehensive documentation for these. Let’s talk about futures first.

Future is like a Promise. Unlike JS, Rust has a type for the result of the promise/future called Result. It also accepts the error type on the generics (I wish JS has this). You can also use Result on its own without future.

Executing (or “consuming”) Future

The standard library is quite barebones so you’ll need to import something else (Think bluebird for JS). You need an executor to run a future. I recommend using and reading their documentation.

.await to await a function

async_function().await; Interesting syntax, yeah? Actually quite nice since you don’t have to wrap it with brackets like in JS.

Handling Result

This is another important one. Rust is safe so you’ll need to handle everything. Yes, all error cases unlike JS!

The Result enum has Ok and Err. If the future is successful, it returns Ok, otherwise Err.

Most comprehensive way to handle both cases:

let f = File::open("hello.txt");

let mut f = match f {
    Ok(file) => file,
    Err(e) => return Err(e),

The above uses the pattern matching syntax which is also great.

This is quite verbose so there are 2 common ways to shorten it:

  1. Using .unwrap()

Example: let my_value = async_function().await.unwrap();

This gets the success value and panics if Err

Use this only when you’re confident that it won’t error or in test environment.

  1. Using the ? syntax

This passes the error up. So your function needs to be able to return an error too (either a Result or an Option)

See this for example and its equivalent

Ownership & References

Heard of the borrow checker? Nothing much for me to say here. It’s the hardest thing in this list since it’s unique to rust. And if you’ve never handled references before, this topic might be a bit steep.

Thankfully the rust book saves the day once again

Basically: Read part 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3

And that’s it!

This list is actually shorter than I expected. I hope it’s useful for your journey.

See a mistake or have any suggestions? Let me know!

英文原文:Rust from 0 to 80% for JavaScript Developers


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